Free Metal Drum Machine Vst
Free Metal Drum Machine Vst Average ratng: 9,9/10 366 votes

Program Features
Free drum kit included with download
This software includes a free high quality recorded drum kit that comes with extra kicks and snares. The drums were meticulously recorded at castle row studios in (studio A. located in Del City, Ok) and are a match to help showcase the software's capabilities. Supported audio formats WAV, MP3, OggVorbis.
Create odd time signatures
In version 2.0 the grid layout has been reigned to allow for different time signatures in the same pattern. DrumThrash has a wide division range allowing you to create practically any time signature.
Random hit velocities
Set velocity ranges. The software will automatically pick a random velocity for each new hit.
Full velocity control
Fine-tune/articulate hits. Change the velocity level for any hit.
Full pan control
Adjustable panning for any hit.
Humanize patterns
Make your tracks sound less like a machine. You can humanize sections or entire patterns.
The sample blender tool was added to help shape the sound of your snare drum. The sample blender works by layering multiple samples, allowing you to create a much fuller sounding snare.
Add effects to your tracks. DrumThrash supports VST plugins up to the 2.4 implementation.
Real-time Vu meter for displaying accurate playback levels.
Use the automatic choke to close instruments. You can easily assign a hi-hat pedal to automatically close off an open hi-hat. Below is an example of before and after choking has been applied to hi-hats.
Build up a pattern library and reuse them in any order in add them to a song list for sequential playback.
Import audio files or use the sample pack that comes included with the software. Build kits to suit your style of music.
DrumThrash makes it simple to change instruments in your kit even during live playback.
Change straight beats to swing time with an adjustable swing percentage.
Export tracks to Wav, Mp3, or Ogg Vorbis format.
Change the playback length of any hit. Useful for altering hi-hats and cymbal catching.
Support for 32-bit audio playback. Included samples are Wav 48-kHz at 24-bit.
DrumThrash can import and export midi drum files making it compatible with other midi programs.
Full undo and redo is supported.
Projects will be periodically saved to a temporary file, so you won't lose your work.
You can have unlimited number of patterns, samples, measures, and tempo markers.
DrumThrash Free Download
Free drum kit included with download
This software includes a free high quality recorded drum kit that comes with extra kicks and snares. The drums were meticulously recorded at castle row studios in (studio A. located in Del City, Ok) and are a match to help showcase the software's capabilities. Supported audio formats WAV, MP3, OggVorbis.Create odd time signatures
In version 2.0 the grid layout has been reigned to allow for different time signatures in the same pattern. DrumThrash has a wide division range allowing you to create practically any time signature.Random hit velocities
Set velocity ranges. The software will automatically pick a random velocity for each new hit.Full velocity control
Fine-tune/articulate hits. Change the velocity level for any hit.Full pan control
Adjustable panning for any hit.Humanize patterns
Make your tracks sound less like a machine. You can humanize sections or entire patterns.Sample blender
The sample blender tool was added to help shape the sound of your snare drum. The sample blender works by layering multiple samples, allowing you to create a much fuller sounding snare.
VST host compatible
Add effects to your tracks. DrumThrash supports VST plugins up to the 2.4 implementation.
Master VU meter display
Real-time Vu meter for displaying accurate playback levels.
Automatic instrument choking
Use the automatic choke to close instruments. You can easily assign a hi-hat pedal to automatically close off an open hi-hat. Below is an example of before and after choking has been applied to hi-hats.
Add patterns to a song list
Build up a pattern library and reuse them in any order in add them to a song list for sequential playback.
Customize your drum kits
Import audio files or use the sample pack that comes included with the software. Build kits to suit your style of music.
Swap samples on the fly
DrumThrash makes it simple to change instruments in your kit even during live playback.
Swing time beats
Change straight beats to swing time with an adjustable swing percentage.
Export to Wav, Mp3 or Ogg
Export tracks to Wav, Mp3, or Ogg Vorbis format.
Adjustable hit length
Change the playback length of any hit. Useful for altering hi-hats and cymbal catching.
Playback in high quality 32-bit
Support for 32-bit audio playback. Included samples are Wav 48-kHz at 24-bit.
Midi drum files
DrumThrash can import and export midi drum files making it compatible with other midi programs.
Undo/Redo support
Full undo and redo is supported.
Auto backup and recovery
Projects will be periodically saved to a temporary file, so you won't lose your work.
No Limits have been set
You can have unlimited number of patterns, samples, measures, and tempo markers.
DrumThrash Free Download
- Techno Snare is a free VST instrument plug-in for Windows PC.
- Beatfactory Drums is a free drumkit/drum machine plugin which works in any DAW on Mac OS X and Windows 32/64-bit. The kits included in the plugin were created using the MPC 2500 passing through high end outboard EQ, compressors, tube and solid state gear, for a gritty and punchy sound.
- This entry was posted in VST plugins and tagged drum machine, emulation, freeware, Mac, Mac OS X on 6 October 2014 by Wavosaur. Post navigation ← 5 Free VST emulations of Roland JP-8000: supersaw!!! 4 free Arp Odyssey VST emulation (+128 presets!) →.
- And the drum machine is a superb way to hone in on a specific sound for your tracks. So grab these sweet plugs and program away! Already set for drums? Grab some of our other favourite free VSTs. The 7 Best Free Synth VST Plugins; 8 Free VST Plugins that Will Inspire You In Strange Ways; Every Free VST Plugin You Need For Mixing Perfect Vocals.
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